Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Racewire Reports on Whitening Hollywood

One of the things I love most about Racewire is their pop commentary - they have had hilarious analyses of Harry Potter, Disney princess movies, and other films. Most recently they posted a link to the top five most unintentionally racist films and then yesterday they released that a recent SAG report AG looked at casting reports from 2007-2008 and found that the number of people of color hired for film and television roles has dropped to 27.5% of total roles cast in 2008.

Blacks were the largest nonwhite group cast, according to SAG, but also lost the most roles in 2008, dropping from 14.8% to 13.3%. Latino roles decreased slightly, losing most in the lead role category. A Latino starred in 7.2% of features in 2007. Only 3.4% were the main characters in 2008. American Indians, despite their romance with the silver screen, had the fewest jobs, at 0.3% in both years.

For the full article click here.

I wonder what this says about our society - is Hollywood reflecting the increased tensions surrounding race in the US? Or where is this coming from... I wish I knew more about the process of what films and shows are made and why. It seems to me that this trend has been a long time coming because it takes a while to make a movie. But I'm not sure what it means although it's a disturbing trend and is also going to be increasingly misrepresentative of our society as it exists in reality, since we are quickly headed to a demographically majority-minority population. Any ideas for the implications?


The Recessionist said...

Someone should totally make a TV show like that one on the SciFi channel where the dudes (robots??) in the front row that used to mock all the corny scifi movies by narrating over them but that instead mocks and calls out the racism in movies instead.

...And by someone i mean US.

Elana Stevie said...

I'm so into that!