Sunday, August 23, 2009

Re-Enactment of Vietnam War in PA? Really???

Steven Low reports on an event almost too ridiculously offensive to possibly be true: a re-enactment of the Vietnam War taking place in Boalsburg, PA:

Attention all Asians: Avoid Pennsylvania.

Last month, white men in Boalsburg, PA—military enthusiasts—orchestrated a public display of “hide and seek” or what Vietnamese people during the 60s and 70s may have observed: the indiscriminate mass murder of their people and the raping of girls. I guess in the age of political correctness we should say, the Vietnam War.

Alpha Company, as they call themselves, which is comprised mostly of men who never served in the Vietnam War, actors reenacted a scene from the Vietnam War: a patrol into Viet Cong, controlled territory. Why? To celebrate the bravery of Vietnam vets.

Vets like John McCain who displayed his courage by dropping bombs on men, women and children from 30,000 feet in the air. You’re a real bad ass, John. Push them buttons on people you can’t see.

The show comes courtesy of the Pennsylvania Military Museum.

For the full Racewire article read here, for the AP article read here.

All I have to say? WOW.

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