Monday, June 29, 2009

Solidarity with the People of Honduras

I can't pretend to understand the complexity of the situation in Honduras but I'm trying my best. My instinct is to support a more socialistic-oriented politician like Zelaya (actually, my instinct is not to trust any of the elite in Honduras, esp. not politicians) and I certainly can't feel pity for the interests of the powerful ruling elite who continue to exploit the nation's resources and people. The military in Honduras has a long record of oppression and torture, and also I have a lot of questions about U.S. involvement since Honduras' economy is so dependent on the United States. But at the same time... trying to end term limits is a road well-traveled and not too encouraging to me. Nonetheless, military coups are also very "been there done that" and never really harbingers of success. I don't know what will come next and I certainly don't know what will work!

All I know is that in these situations the working and poor people never fare well. I will keep the people of Honduras in my thoughts and prayers.

For the NYT report on the coup, read here.

Listening to Democracy Now's analysis is also helpful.

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