Saturday, November 22, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

I'm a first-timer but what I love about some of the blogs I have seen is how inclusive they are, and I want to open this space for people to share themselves or what they find interesting. I would love to share this blog with anyone who would like to contribute. Please let me know if you are someone like that. To start off I'd like to share the quote from which the blog's title is taken, one of my favorite Haruki Murakami books entitled DanceDanceDance.

"Dance," said the Sheep Man. "Yougottadance. Aslongasthemusicplays. Yougottadance. Don'teventhikwhy. Starttothink, yourfeetstop. Yourfeetstop, wegetstuck. Wegetstuck, you'restuck. Sodon'tpayanymind, nomatterhowdumb. Yougottakeepthestep. Yougottalimberup. Yougottaloosenwhatyoubolteddown. Yougottauseallyougot. Weknowyou'retired, tiredandscared. Happenstoeveryone, okay? Justdon'tletyourfeetstop."

"Dancingiseverything," continued the Sheep Man. Danceintip-topform. Dancesoitallkeepsspinning. Ifyoudothat, wemightbeabletodosomethingforyou. Yougottadance. Aslongasthemusicplays."

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